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Arthur encounters Sean at Old Trail Rise, practicing his shooting skills on liquor bottles. Sean misses a bottle as Arthur watches.

Arthur: Well, at least it ain't your job.

Sean: Ah, shut up, Arthur.

Sean misses another shot.

Arthur: Yeah, your job's starting the fights... it ain't winning them.

Sean: I can scrap, Arthur. I'm just no good at home work.

Sean misses yet another shot.

Arthur: I can see.

Sean: Besides, what do you care, Englishman... you got no time for me. I tried to find you work... but then you're off cutting jobs with other folks... and your boy Sean doesn't get a look in.

Arthur: Guess I don't wanna get shot, that's all.

Sean: Ah, you're a real fucking funny shit, Arthur Morgan, huh? Real fucking funny.

Sean reloads his revolver.

Arthur: Calm down.

Sean: You better sleep with your eyes open.

Arthur: Yeah, well you're gonna sleep with your chest open if you ain't careful, boy.

Sean appears taken aback but then chuckles.

Sean: I love you, Arthur Morgan... I love ya. Come on, take a shot. Come on, take your best shot, please, eh?

Arthur draws his gun and shoots a bottle, leaving Sean dumbfounded.

Arthur: Grow up.

Arthur and Sean holster their guns as they approach the oil wagon.

Sean: Let me come on the raid with yous...

Arthur: Raid?

Sean: Don't be playing coy with me, son, it's unbecoming. That bloody train you and him has set up. What you're doing out here, you're going to need guns... you're going to need men.

Arthur: Oh, that. So Marston told you? It ain't a big show... I need calmness. If I take you, I might as well bring Micah along.

Sean: Compare me to that oily turd again... you're a dead man.

Arthur: Fair enough.

If Arthur arrived before nightfall.

Sean: Anyway, Arthur... what's your problem with me? In fact, don't tell me, I already know... You're threatened by me.

Arthur inspects the oil wagon.

Arthur: Threatened by you?

Sean: Yeah, my youthful vigor... it intimidates ya.

Arthur: Does it?

Sean: It's a story as old as the hills. The changing of the guard... the fading of the light. You're toast, old man.

Arthur: Okay... and what are you?

Sean: I'm the future, in all its glory!

Arthur: Yeah, well good luck. Good luck and shut up. I wanna get some rest before nightfall.

Arthur and Sean rest as they wait for Marston. As nightfall approaches, Arthur throws a pebble at Sean to wake him up.

Arthur: Wake up, you lazy sod.

Sean promptly awakens and stands up.

End of alternative dialogue.

John meets up with the pair, accompanied by Charles. John quickly accosts Sean.

John: What are you doing here, kid?

Sean: I'm coming John... on the job.

John: I said you weren't coming.

Sean: Yeah, well Arthur says I am... and it's his party, boy, so come on, let's go.

Sean boards the wagon.

Sean: Me and the big cheeses, love it. Can't wait to slit some bastard's throat.

John: You sure about this?

Arthur: No... Are we ready?

John: Yeah, train's due through tonight.

Arthur: Alright, then, it's on. Charles?

Charles: I'm ready.

The rest of the team board the wagon, with Arthur taking the reins.

Arthur: Gentlemen. Let's go earn some money.

Arthur drives the wagon to the tracks as the team discusses the plan.

Charles: Hey... all the horses untethered?

John: Think so.

Charles: Good. They should follow on behind us.

Arthur: You find a good spot, Wolf Man?

John: Yeah, follow the trail south west, there's a spot that's... remote, but should still give 'em enough time to spot the oil wagon.

Arthur: They see this blocking the tracks, they'll stop soon enough.

John: Apparently, it picks up a new time of guards at the state line, so shouldn't be too much in the name of guns to deal with.

Sean: See, this is what I mean. I disappear for a couple of weeks, and you cut me out of all the action.

John: Just the action that requires a brain.

Sean: Oh, you're a funny feller, John Marston. From what folk say, you had your feet up the whole time playing sick, and fondling that new scar like you're gonna buy it breakfast in the morning.

John: You don't know what you're talking about.

Sean: Stay close on this, wouldn't want you getting scratched by a squirrel or something, that could put you out of commission for the rest of the year.

Charles: Why do you have to speak so much? It's... incessant.

Sean: 'Cause I've still got some blood in me veins. You old bastards have forgotten how to live.

John: I blame you two for rescuing him.

Arthur: Far too much trouble for what we got out of it.

Sean: Yeah, takes a whole army of bounty hunters to bring in Sean MacGuire. And look at me now, in the gunner's seat! Back in business, boys! You know my da always used to say...

John: Not the da, please!

Charles:  No, no...

Arthur: Not this again.

Sean: Fine! Damn, you three... Sulky, Angry, Scar Face. A right barrel of laughs.

Arthur approaches a fork in the road.

John: Bear left here, towards Rhodes.

Sean: So we block the track with the wagon the jump 'em? That's the plan?

Arthur: Pretty much. Charles, you deal with the engineer. John, secure the passenger car fast, take charitable donations and make sure everyone behaves. Little Mr. MacGuire, you focus on the baggage car, grab any valuables you can find. And shoot your mouth, you'll get a bullet back.

Sean: So what are you doing?

Arthur: I'll run point, keep an eye out for outriders, and the law, and help you three where I can.

Sean: Alright for some... cherry picking, I call that...

John: We'll be out in the middle of nowhere, so it'll take a while for any word to get to the law, but... we should still move quick.

Sean: Aye, aye, Scar Face.

Charles: Oh, shut up, please...

Arthur: We close, Marston? We're at the railroad.

John: Just carry on a bit further.

Arthur approaches the destination.

John: Here's good. Stop the wagon over the tracks. Remember, these are innocent folks. We handle this right, nobody needs to die here.

Sean: Yeah, yeah...

John: Just park it right across the tracks.

Arthur: Let's get it on the tracks... Whoa, whoa.

Arthur parks the wagon over the tracks. The gang dismount and untether the horses.

Arthur: Alright... Mr. Marston... Mr. Smith... Mr. MacGuire... get over there. When she slows, board her.

Sean: And you?

Arthur: I'm gonna make sure she slows.

Arthur feels the tracks vibrating.

Sean: It's do or die with you... I like it.

Arthur: Get moving...

Arthur climbs on top of the oil tank as the rest of the gang hides in the woods.

Arthur: Here she comes...

Arthur equips his bandana as the train emerges in the distance. The other gang members follow suit and ready their weapons. Arthur readies his rifle as the train comes to a halt. The engineer exits the train.

Engineer: What's going on here? What's going on?

Arthur climbs down and approaches the train. Charles sneaks up to the engineer and incapacitates him.

Charles: Nothing good...

If Arthur kills the engineer.

Charles: Hey, what was that for? Come on, keep your head.

End of alternative dialogue.

Arthur: I'm going to board. Make that quick and join us up here. / I need to get up there. Finish up here and join us on board.

Charles: Alright, get on that train! / Go on, get on there!

Sean: Hey!

Sean incapacitates a guard.

Sean: You bastard.

Sean: (to Arthur) All yours, captain, I'll go on ahead.

Sean walks to the back of the train as John and Arthur board the first passenger car from each entrance. John fires a shot at the ceiling as Arthur bashes a man attempting to stand up.

John: Everybody stay calm and nobody'll get shot! Let's go... everything you got! Money! Valuables!

Marston holds a sack and a pistol and begins robbing the train passengers.

John: There you go... Let's make this quick, people, come on! We ain't leaving 'till this bag's full!

Thomas: I ain't got nothing.

John: You want to have a little chat with Romeo and Juliet here?

Arthur: What's the problem here?

Arthur bashes the man with his rifle.

Arthur: Money, valuables, now!

Passenger Don't do this. Just give it to him, Thomas, please!

Thomas: Okay, okay. Godammit!

Thomas hands his cash to Marston.

John: Come on! In the bag, everything you got. Keep it coming, don't be shy.

Passenger: People like you make me sick.

John: These two seem to think we're playing games.

Arthur: I'm going to count to three... one... two...

Arthur bashes the uncooperative passenger, who then forfeits his cash.

John: (to passenger) Thank you.

Arthur: Goddamn it. Sick is better than dead, lady. And I'm losing my goddamn patience.

Passenger: Let's just do what he says so this can be over.

Arthur follows John into the next car and continues robbing passengers. Sean enters from the other side.

John: Ladies and gentlemen, this is a robbery! Let's make this quick!

Sean: You boys need me?

Arthur: No, you go ahead and look for the baggage car.

Sean: Right you are.

John encounters an uncooperative passenger.

John: Tough guy, huh? You sure about that? Will you show this son of a bitch we aren't playing around here?

Arthur: Why are you wasting our time, huh?

Arthur bashes the passenger, who then places his money in the sack.

Arthur: Quick, come on! Come on, partner... Come on, quick.

John continues down the car.

John: Everything you got... money, valuables... We ain't leaving 'till this bag's full.

Passenger: You won't get a damn cent from me.

John: Let me hand you over to my friend, then.

Arthur: Come on, be smart about this.

Arthur bashes the passenger, who then surrenders his money to John.

Arthur: Money now! You son of a bitch.

John: Come on, cough it up, people! Don't be shy. Everything you got, let's go!

If Arthur kills an uncooperative passenger.

John: You see that? That's what you'll get if you don't listen.

The mission will then fail.

End of alternative dialogue.

Arthur follows John into the next car.

John: I can handle this from here, you should on Sean.

Arthur: Okay.

John: Okay, none of you folks move a muscle, you hear me?

Arthur exits the passenger car and meets Sean outside the baggage car.

Arthur: (to Sean) What is it? You alright?

Sean: Found the baggage car.

Arthur: For Christ's sake. You ain't even taken a look yet?

Sean: There's probably something in here, Arthur.

A guard opens the door and attacks Sean. Arthur kills the guard, causing Sean to drop to the floor in shock. Arthur kills the rest of the guards as Sean recovers from the attack.’’

Sean: For fuck's sake... for fuck's sake... Ah... I'm sorry... C'mon, get up you little Irish shit, get up!

Arthur enters the baggage car as Sean stays behind as lookout.

Arthur: This time I'll look and you provide the cover.

Sean: I'll try my best, brother, but... I'm seeing double here.

Arthur: That gives you twice the chance of hitting someone.

Sean: Very funny. Ugh, I'm gonna have a right old lump on me head.

Arthur: Least you ain't got a hole in it.

Sean: Are those tennis rackets in there? Posh bastards.

Arthur: Just keep your eyes peeled.

Sean: I'm doing me best, alright.

Arthur: I know, that's what's worrying me.

Arthur loots the cabinets and containers.

Arthur: This is some decent stuff. / These folks are rich alright. / We'll take that... / We're looking good in here.

Sean: Alright, we should probably be going now. Come on, we should get outta here.

Arthur finishes stripping the car of valuables as Sean calls out to him.

Sean: Arthur, we got a problem. There's two arseholes on horses.

Two lawmen emerge from the trees on horseback.

Arthur: How many you say?

Sean: I just see a pair of them.

Arthur: Alright, in that case, we're fighting... Marston, Smith, get ready.

Lawman: You men come off the train now, do you hear? We said you men come out now!

Arthur: There's only two of you, you fools... We got a whole lot less to lose. Why don't the two of you ride away? That way neither of you get killed. Goddamn liberties...

Sean: There's a few more of them turning up.

More lawmen emerge from the trees.

Arthur: Me and my big mouth. Okay... let's deal with them.

Lawman: We won't tell you again! Come out now with your hands up! Last chance! Drop your weapons and get off the train!

Arthur opens fire on the lawmen, causing a gunfight to break out.

Sean: Shit, we got more on the left! And we got more coming out of the trees there!

Charles: Get rid of them, quick, so we can make a run for it!

John: Look out behind us! Coming in on horses!

Lawmen attack from all directions.

Charles: Come on! Let's make some space so we can get out of here!

The gang kills the rest of the lawmen and whistle for their horses as they leave the train.

John: Come on, boys, let's get the hell out of here!

The gang mount their horses as reinforcements arrive.

If Arthur takes too long to mount his horse.

John: Let's go, Arthur! Come on! / Mount up, Morgan, we gotta go! / We need to move now, Morgan, what are you doing?

End of alternative dialogue.

Arthur: Let's go! Stay with me!

The gang eventually escape from the lawmen and stop to rest.

Arthur: Whoa!

Sean: Whoa! That was fun, boys, real fun! I can see why they call you professionals of the outfit.

Arthur tosses each member their cut.

Arthur: Shut up.

Sean: At least we made some money... and what did I get? Gotta be a hundred dollars here, very nice.

Arthur: And you weren't even invited.

John: What now?

Arthur: We still need a real big take... enough for us to get out of here.

John: Was that a set up? Law turned up real fast.

Arthur: I don't know. I don't think so. I'm starting to get nervous.

Charles: Think they followed us from Blackwater?

Arthur: Maybe. They found me already near Horseshoe, but... I think this lot was just locals.

John: I hope so. I'm gonna head into Valentine... see if I can get something started there.

Arthur: Good idea. Either way, we should all go it alone right now. You know the deal... don't be followed.

Sean: Ah, course not, boss.

The gang members go their separate ways. The mission ends.
