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Revenge Challenges are a class of multiplayer challenge under the PVP category. Each rank of each challenge requires the player to accomplish tasks after being wounded or killed by other players. When each rank is completed, the player earns XP and a title. The main game challenges are unlocked at multiplayer rank 34, but the first rank of the "Kill your last killer Tomahawk" challenge is available from the beginning.

There are three challenges with the standard game and an additional Tomahawk challenge is added by the Legends and Killers DLC. Two of the challenges have a single rank each while the others have two ranks each, as detailed below. Challenge tasks can be completed in Free For All (FFA) and Gang matches as well as Stronghold.

Rank Description XP Title
Kill your last killer
1 Kill the same person that last killed you 50 Holds a Grudge
2 Kill the same person that last killed you 3 times without dying 100 Vindictive
Kill your last killer's mount
1 Kill the horse of the player that last killed you 50 Paste of Revenge
Survive death
1 Get wounded to critical, but survive 5 times in a single life 50 On Life Support
Kill your last killer Tomahawk
1 Kill the same person that last killed you, with a Tomahawk 50 Hack and Slash
2 Kill the same person that last killed you 3 times with a Tomahawk without dying 100 Tomahawk Fury

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Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer
Game modes Free RoamShootoutGang ShootoutGrab the BagHold Your OwnGold RushGrand PrixStrongholdLand GrabUndead OverrunCo-opPokerLiar's Dice
Unlockables CharactersWeaponsMountsTitles
Challenges Free RoamWeaponPVPCo-opGamblingRacingStrongholdUndead OverrunStat
Concepts Gang HideoutsGolden GunsOutfitterPosseXP