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Rosalee is a prostitute employed in various brothels in America, although she officially appears to work in Blackwater, since she can always be found there.
Rosalee can always be found in Blackwater, especially at nights, where she works as a prostitute at the saloon. However, she can also be found working her trade in Armadillo or Thieves' Landing. When she is finished working or has no customers, she will play Blackjack in the Blackwater saloon. Alternatively, she can also be found smoking outside the saloon.
Rosalee can also be encountered in Great Plains, standing near a broken wagon and requesting the player to get her stately to Blackwater. If her random encounter is located very close to Blackwater, criminals will not have time to spawn and attack the player or Rosalee.
I'd hate to see a man walk around with such a dry pecker. Can I help?
—'Rosalee Glover' offering her services
Hey mister, is there anything of yours you’d like to stick into something of mine?
—'Rosalee Glover'
You can believe it or not, but I actually look better naked.
—'Rosalee Glover' tempting her customers
I've got nails, you've got eyes, look out!
—Rosalee Glover when attacked
Oh please, don't tell your wife about it, Mr. Marston
—Rosalee Glover when attacked
What a lusty specimen you are. I like that.
—'Rosalee Glover' when talked to with low honor
If you pay me you can talk to me like that all day... and all night.
—'Rosalee Glover' when insulted
You're a real charmer, ain't ya?
—'Rosalee Glover' when insulted/talked to with low honor
Rosalee and Maybell Stark are the only prostitutes who will react positively to the player's low honor taunts. However, the player is still unable to buy her "services".
She wears almost the same outfit as Kittie Crenshaw, except that her leggins or socks are a lighter shade.