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You might also be looking for the single player Survivalist Challenges.

Survivalist Challenges are a class of multiplayer challenge under the Free Roam category. Each rank of each challenge requires the player to find and pick a certain quantity of one or more plants. When each rank is completed, the player earns XP and a title.

The challenges are divided into two series, Survivalist I and Survivalist II, as detailed below. Challenge tasks can be completed in public or private Free Roam sessions.

Survivalist I[]

The first series of Survivalist challenges is unlocked at multiplayer rank 3.

Rank Challenge Reward/Title
1 Collect 6 Wild Feverfew, found in Hennigan's Stead and Cholla Springs. 250 Xp
Wild Fever
2 Collect 6 Desert Sage found in Gaptooth Ridge. 250 Xp
Sage Advisor
3 Collect 4 Red Sage found in Rio Bravo. 250 Xp
Sage Bleeder
4 Collect 8 Prickly Pear found in Punta Orgullo. 250 Xp
Raw Paws
5 Collect 7 Woolly Blue Curl found in Perdido. 250 Xp


  • Using a slow mount helps to more thoroughly survey the land for plants.

Survivalist II[]

The second series of Survivalist challenges is unlocked at multiplayer rank 14. The Survivalist I challenges do not need to be completed in order to start on the Survivalist II challenges.

Rank Challenge Reward/Title
1 Collect 8 Butterfly Weed found in and around Diez Coronas. 250 Xp
Doc's Realization
2 Collect 10 Hummingbird Sage found in and around Tall Trees. 250 Xp
Sage Hoverer
3 Collect 12 Prairie Poppy found in and around Great Plains. 250 Xp
Prairie Picker
4 Collect 15 Golden Currant found in and around Great Plains. 250 Xp
Golden Herbalist
5 Collect 10 Violet Snowdrop found in and around Tall Trees, and collect 2 more of every other herb available. 250 Xp
Master Survivalist

