Red Dead Wiki

Gold Medal Requirements[]

Does anyone know the gold medal requirements for this? It would be great to add to the page. As a data point, I have a silver medal with Fastest Time 12:58, Shot Accuracy 100%, Headshots 4. Smiller933 (talk) 06:44, January 29, 2014 (UTC)

I have a gold medal or gold medal plus-ultra-elite (I forget the "record" designation) on nearly every single mission in RDR, after going thru 2 x (totally refreshed, brand new; no "replays" - I never even tried that, what happens or how does a replay affect the record?), both with 100% Completion, getting better over time.

I am shy about posting individual-personal numbers... I learned 12 kills in a single dead eye session was considered  communally "legendary" or something lately - I thought my number would be so much higher, I thought the game was miscategorizing 12 dead-eye head-shots... I think only non-egotistic people (NOT most gamers!) can handle these statistics, IMHO...

Top ranking results (i.e., literally, #1 globally, at least RDR indicate themselves, or for the present) for the Walton gang "Sister Rocks" hideout (?) in Single-Player, I shared on another forum - it has DEFINITELY earned me the VIOLENT orgulous hatred of gamers, WOWEE! - apparently sub -culture of ressentiment supreme - when I dared to share, only negativity resulted, so I am reluctantly shy here... I have many wonderfully macabre, Punisher style guerrilla warfare 'records' etc . etc. head-shots blah blah etc. in the missions, and people only say "cheat", glitch or calmniously insult me - if granted, I am just called an obsessive nerd, when I never "practiced" my "skill" like a "loser"... One mission apparently even the company itself must have assumed I cheated, as I got the lowest rating possible because of performing "rarely" - translated (modestly), excellently - I know not one thing about "hacking"/"coding"/"glitching" (of course in-game cheats were default unenabled)... After recently passionately going through these missions, being given a "FAILURE" crapulent medallion after all my effort, the first mini-seconds  in my mind I was incensed like some teenybooper, but quickly got over it... I consider coder-glitcher-hacker types as criminally co-conspiratorial agents of the planetary McMafia, I am the opposite of such a type...

Ppl can tell I have something like A.D.H.D., yeah? Me too. Enjoy, savor it, yeah


The youtube GTA RDR "Gold Medal" mission guide thing is good for general purposes here, but better output is possible...
