Red Dead Wiki
Complete "And The Truth Will Set You Free"
In-game description
Red Dead Redemption
secret achievement and trophy

The Benefits of Civilization
Description Complete "And The Truth Will Set You Free"
Gamer Score 90 gamerscoregamerscore
Trophy Type Bronze bronzebronze

The Benefits of Civilization is a gameplay achievement/trophy in Red Dead Redemption.


As it is a storyline-related objective, complete the mission and the achievement/trophy will be obtained.


  • Unlocking this achievement/trophy with the Liars and Cheats DLC installed will unlock Harold MacDougal as a Multiplayer character model.
  • The translation between Xbox Gamerscore and PS3 Trophy seems a little off with this achievement/trophy. While the Gamerscore is worth 90 points, the PS3 only denotes it as being a Bronze trophy.