Red Dead Wiki

The Smell of the Grease Paint is a Stranger mission featured in Red Dead Redemption 2.


Arthur enters the Saloon of the Van Horn Trading Post and encounters members of a travelling sideshow. Miss Majorie and a strong simpleton named Bertram. Bertram loses his temper and begins choking the bartender before Arthur intervenes and fights him himself. After a few good punches, Bertram apologies. Miss Majorie tells Arthur that her second act, Magnifico, has been missing. She implores Arthur to find him to help save the highlight of her show.

Magnifico can be found in the south-west of the outpost, sitting at a campfire in the woods. When he realizes that Miss Majorie has sent someone to find him, he disappears in a cloud of smoke. This begins a chase where Arthur must follow the clouds of smoke and catch Magnifico. He attempts hiding in trees before fleeing across the railroad tracks and running right into the arms of Bertram. Miss Majorie thanks Arthur for helping reunite her show.


After initiating the questline, ride southwest to the woods and chase Magnifico. Follow his trail of smoke clouds until the mission is over. To collect your reward, visit Miss Majorie's show in the Theatre Râleur in Saint Denis and watch their show. Afterwards, speak to the vendor and you'll receive a letter from Majorie with $40 inside.

RDRstub.jpg Hey there, cowboy. This article looks a little bit small.
I reckon you could impress me by contributing to it. Don't be shy now.