Red Dead Wiki

After one year and 275 days of dedicating myself to this wiki, I must resign. I've enjoyed my time here and it's certainly taught me some lessons in how to be mature and how to be a better person.

I am not just resigning from this wiki, but from all of Wikia. I want to devote my energy to pursuits in real life. I'd rather have a life and a job than keep this wiki running. The time I've spent on Wikia has certainly taught me a lot, and I won't be forgetting this anytime soon.

Good luck to whoever takes my place here. As the sole administrator, I had to do a lot of work, especially at the start of my tenure as staff due to being the only regularly active staff member. Now that my time here is over, I will be reflecting on my career on this wiki, then I'll quickly move on and ignore it's existence.

Thank you all for putting up with me, and goodbye.