Red Dead Wiki

The wild west was a harsh and unforgiving place where gunslingers and outlaws alike went from being actual individuals to become myths and legends – the number of people whom got the opportunity to outlive their legend along with telling their own tale was scarce, and the history of the Red Dead Wiki itself is no different. There has been an unthinkable amount of users on the Wikia throughout the ages, not to mention moderators, owners and staff members in general. However, most of them have ventured to greener pastures for one reason or another.

Happy Anniversary Boah

Someone who gained prominence for, what seems like a lifetime ago, is our beloved administrator Ilan or Raziel Reaper (Raz) as he is more commonly known these days. After having joined the Red Dead Wiki on July 6th, 2011, Raz started contributing to the wiki and eventually, due to the increase in his activity and his general demeanour, managed to nick himself a promotion to become a member of the staff on January 3rd, 2012. He has been working tirelessly every since, and while he has contributed with 5.906 edits and made an astonishing 28.635 main space edits(!!!) at the time I finish writing this, I, for one, highly doubt that his contributions will come to an end any time soon.

Whether you see Raz as a Landon Ricketts, a Jim "Boy" Calloway or something else entirely, one cannot contend that he symbolizes the very essence of what the Wiki itself once was, and what it since then has become. A testament to the test of time and a confirmation that we all, truly, can be outlaws forever.

As a conclusion, some of the acquaintances and friends which Raz has met through the years have left a kind word or two here at the end. However, I encourage everyone to leave a comment of their own, and congratulate Raziel on his seven-year anniversary of becoming a member of the staff.

Raziel has proven to be one of our most experienced editors on the wiki, he has also proven to be a great friend, always engaging in discussions with people and genuinely cares about other editors. Raziel is a friend to me and the wiki for that matter.
Few know that Raziel, is, in fact the person who holds the wiki together. If if wasn’t for Raz, then the wiki would be a much different place.
Seven years, that's one hell of an achievement Raz. You have practically grown with this wiki and have easily became one of the best admins that this site has ever seen. I couldn't have picked a better time to become a member of staff. Here's to another seven.
Linus Spacehead
In the short time, I've been a user of this wiki and a member of staff, Raz has shown to me in just a few days all the expertise and talent he has obtained in the past 7 years. He's been one of the most welcoming, kind, resourceful, and wise individuals I've met on the wiki and I've loved to have the pleasure to work with him in my short time here, and be able to work with him in the future.
I haven't been here long, so I perhaps don't know Raziel as well as some of the other staff members. However, in my short time here, Raz has shown me nothing but kindness and friendship, supporting me throughout my campaign to renovate the Discussions and offering assistance when I wasn't feeling great. I took an instant liking to him, and to this day the stuff he sends to the staff channel still puts a smile on my face. As I got to know him better, I came to see him almost as a mentor, someone who can show me the ropes. It really does sadden me to know that Raz may be leaving us soon; so much so that I don't know if I myself would stay if he were to leave. He's given this wiki seven years, seven years of hard work and commitment, and I'm honoured to call Raziel both my co-worker and my friend.
The Supreme Argonian