Chapter Ten of my Red Dead Redemption Adaptation - Blessed are the Meek?
Hello, everybody, and welcome back to my literary adaptation of Red Dead Redemption 2! As of posting this, I have finished every chapter for the "Horseshoe Overlook" part of the story, but I'm just up to posting this (there's about 4-5 chapters left until "Clemens Point"). It's up to this point the story starts to ramp up a little bit in terms of overall plot progression and intensity. This chapter adapts the mission "Blessed are the Meek?" where Arthur saves Micah from the Strawberry Jail about the day after he got drunk with Lenny in Valentine, and the two get involved in a town-killing massacre. I've never been great with translating gunfights from the video game into words, and it sucks that this mission is a massive town-killing gunfig…
Chapter Nine of my Red Dead Redemption Adaptation - A Quiet Time
Hello, everyone, and welcome back to my literary adaptation of Red Dead Redemption 2! I haven't posted any new chapters for a wee while now, as I've been quite busy, but I've come back with a new grand piece to add to my collection! Though I wrote this months ago (just posted it now), it was a joy to write and a bit challenging to convey Arthur's drunkenness into literary form. Regardless, for those two or three of you who actually read this, enjoy! For those who don't even know what I'm talking about, here's a little background:
All the way back in 2022, I started this adaptation with the goal of tackling the six missions in the Colter Chapter. After that, I moved on to the Horseshoe Overlook Chapter, and I'm still going (albeit at a slower…
Chapter Eight of my Red Dead Redemption Adaptation - We Loved Once and True
Hello, everybody, and welcome back to my literary adaptation of Red Dead Redemption 2! I haven't posted any new chapters for a while now, but I definitely think this chapter is a really great one for Arthur's character development and overall story. Now, let's get on with my routine intro-schtick.
If you have been around on this wiki long enough, you likely now about this project. If you haven't read any of these chapters so far, I strongly encourage you do, as it not only helps me with feedback, but it might be fun. You can find all of the previous chapters linked on my profile page. So far, I've posted over a dozen chapters on this wiki since 2022, and it's been quite a fun journey. I've been sort of inactive in terms of writing, so this c…
Chapter Seven of my Red Dead Redemption Adaptation - Paying a Social Call
Hey, everyone. I am back again with Chapter Seven of my Red Dead Redemption 2 Adaptation, this chapter being "Paying a Social Call," where the Van der Linde gang ambush an O'Driscoll hideout after interrogating Kieran Duffy. I'm not going to delve into the background info of my adaptation much, as to returning readers, it's self explanatory. But to those newcomers, I recommend you read previous chapters by clicking on my profile! This adaptation likely isn't going anywhere, and is more of a passion project, but nonetheless, I still love to hear your feedback and responses (lookin' at you, Kid Colt).
One thing I added to this chapter is the first part of "Pouring Forth Oil," which I added as a second "half" of a chapter to tie everything nicel…
Chapter Six of My Red Dead Redemption Adaptation - Exit, Pursued by a Bruised Ego
Welcome back, everybody, to my Red Dead Redemption 2 adaptation! If you have been around on this wiki long enough, or have known me for a while, you likely know about my literary adaptation of Red Dead Redemption 2. I have been working on it on and off since last December, and I have written over 12 chapters so far! This isn't going anywhere, and is more of a passion project, but nonetheless, I still love to hear your feedback and responses! Special thanks to Kid Colt, Russel Mays, and everyone else who's given feedback, helped, and supported me along the way.
Now, if you haven't read my previous chapters, go read them you nincompoop! You can find the links to previous chapters here (for Chapter Five), here (for Chapters 1-4), and here for the …