Red Dead Wiki

Hello wiki-users, this is the third quiz blog, partnered to this one and this one. This one uses the same system as the previous ones, this is my first blog post and I hop you fellow wiki-users enjoy it.

(SPOILER WARNING: These questions may contain spoilers so you are warned)

Oke the questions are as it follows:

1. Which bounty target says: Stop admiring your shadow!?

2. Who are seen in the basement of the Tumbleweed mansion during Free Roam?

3. Which gang member in New Austin is the only one to say Hello or Greetings?

4. Which Bounty Target says that his mother was a whore when drunk?

5. Which character in Mexico has bloodstains on him which wasn't from a fight?

6. Which Rifle cannot be obtained during Free Roam without killing another player?

7. Name the two larger members of the Treasure Hunters.

8. Who have a bounty of 600$ ?

9. Which Stranger side-mission involves puddles of blood?

10. Which bounty target has a drawing of another criminal, rather than himself?
