Red Dead Wiki
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Red Dead Redemption:
Legends and Killers
achievement and trophy

Who Needs Deadeye?
Who needs Deadeye
Description Kill 3 or more players in a standoff/showdown.
Gamer Score 10 gamerscoregamerscore
Trophy Type Bronze bronzebronze
Downloadable content Legends and Killers

Who Needs Deadeye? is an achievement/trophy in the Red Dead Redemption Legends and Killers DLC pack.


Kill 3 or more players in a standoff/showdown.


A good way to get this trophy is to start pressing the roll button away from enemies and into hiding, then shoot away. See the Standoff page for more general tips about surviving standoffs.

RDRstub.jpg Hey there, cowboy. This article looks a little bit small.
I reckon you could impress me by contributing to it. Don't be shy now.