碧血狂殺 Wiki
第11行: 第11行:
*美國花馬([[American Paint]])
*美國標準血種馬([[American Standardbred (RDR II)|American Standardbred]])
*[[黑栗色純種馬]](Black Chestnut Thoroughbred) <small>(終極版本包含)</small>
*[[黑色花斑純種馬]](Dappled Black Thoroughbred) <small>(終極版本包含)</small>
*[[荷蘭溫血馬]](Dutch Warmblood)
*[[匈牙利混血馬]](Hungarian Half-bred)
*[[肯塔基馬]](Kentucky Saddler)
*[[密蘇里狐步馬]](Missouri Fox Trotter)
*[[紅栗色阿拉伯馬]](Red Chestnut Arabian) <small>(限時獨佔版)</small>
*[[Suffolk Punch]]
*[[田納西走馬]](Tennessee Walker)
*[[戰馬]] <small>(Pre-order bonus)</small>
第35行: 第59行:
{{Main|Horse Breeds}}
*[[黑栗色純種馬]](Black Chestnut Thoroughbred) <small>(終極版本包含)</small>
*[[黑色花斑純種馬]](Dappled Black Thoroughbred) <small>((終極版本包含)</small>
*[[戰馬]] <small>(Pre-order bonus)</small>
在《碧血狂殺2》中,你的馬有可能會死。不要輕易隨便地用牠。而是要隨著使用和洗刷,加強馬和自己的牽連。你可以同時培養兩隻以上,以免一隻死掉的時候突然無法行動。 But it’ll factor into every mission or violent altercation. Parking your horse close to firefights? Just say neigh.
There’s a tradeoff there, though. There are no “magic pockets” in Red Dead Redemption 2. In this game, what you see Arthur Morgan carrying is all that’s readily available — the rest of your gear is stowed on your horse. Need to change a weapon? You’ll either have to run back to your horse, or risk whistling for it to come to you.
Horse affinity also affects what you can do with the horse. Your steed will get less spooked around gunfire or natural predators if you have a higher affinity, and certain moves becomes available as well. There’s a cute sideways trot – the kind you’d see in olympic equestrian – as well as a full 180 degree turn. The ol’ ride & slide is useful for quickly turning to fire at a pursuer. It’s more like something out of a drift car racing game, but it looks cool and has a solid purpose so we’re not complaining.
Some of the moves are less desirable, though. Walk up right behind your horse and startle it, and just like real life, you’re risking taking a powerful kick from its hind legs. You’ll also be able to rear the horse up and startle anyone in front of you, though you may want to watch out for that move if you’re just chatting to an innocent NPC.
If it all goes south and your horse gains a nasty wound, it’ll enter a “downed” state similar to what we’re used to seeing in most action/FPS games. That’s when you use your Horse Reviver — which you hopefully purchased from the general store, otherwise you’re looking at a frantic run to town and back to save that horse you’ve grown attached to.
Or just steal another one, deal with the honour penalty, and begin the process again. Your call.
第71行: 第79行:
有一個有趣的點,是你在《碧血狂殺2》中可以餵養馬的東西,大多你自己也可以吃。有了兩個蘋果?何不和馬一起分站? 當你買了馬的食物自己又很餓的時候可以派上用場。
有一個有趣的點,是你在《碧血狂殺2》中可以餵養馬的東西,大多你自己也可以吃。有了兩個蘋果?何不和馬一起分站? 當你買了馬的食物自己又很餓的時候可以派上用場。
馬和主角的關係會有很大的影響,不論因為隨時注意而得到的好處以及因為疏忽而得到的惡果。 It’s the ol’ carrot and stick strategy, and like our horses, we’re much better off with the carrot. Much of it seems to be building on systems such as that in Breath of the Wild, with its horse affinity and permadeath. Though all aspects have been improved here, and we’re sure to feel a few pangs of angst when a longtime companion horse hits the hay for good.
第77行: 第85行:

2021年4月2日 (五) 14:55的最新版本

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碧血狂殺2[ | ]


玩家騎乘、餵養都會加深與馬之間的關係。騎乘的舒適度在一些緊要關頭如槍戰時會造成影響。如果相關的關係不夠緊密,在危險的時候馬可能會把玩家甩掉逃離危險。如果馬死亡了,相關的程序就必須重新開始。 [1]

種類[ | ]


  • 美國花馬(American Paint
  • 美國標準血種馬(American Standardbred
  • 安達魯西亞馬(Andalusian)
  • 阿帕盧薩馬(Appaloosa)
  • 阿拉伯馬(Arabian)
  • 阿爾登馬(Ardennes
  • 比利時役用馬(Belgian)
  • 黑栗色純種馬(Black Chestnut Thoroughbred) (終極版本包含)
  • 黑色花斑純種馬(Dappled Black Thoroughbred) (終極版本包含)
  • 荷蘭溫血馬(Dutch Warmblood)
  • 匈牙利混血馬(Hungarian Half-bred)
  • 肯塔基馬(Kentucky Saddler)
  • 密蘇里狐步馬(Missouri Fox Trotter)
  • 摩根馬(Morgan)
  • 美洲野馬(Mustang)
  • 諾科塔逆斑馬(Nokota)
  • 紅栗色阿拉伯馬(Red Chestnut Arabian) (限時獨佔版)
  • 夏爾馬(Shire)
  • Suffolk Punch
  • 田納西走馬(Tennessee Walker)
  • 純血馬(Thoroughbred)
  • 土庫曼馬(Turkoman)
  • 戰馬 (Pre-order bonus)

獲得馬的方式[ | ]


基本操作[ | ]

RDR2 talking to man on horse

站在自己的馬旁邊的時候按L2可以進入選單。選單之下可以進行pet, 洗刷(groom), lead, 餵養(feed) 上馬(mount), 以及觀察(inspect)等選項。其中寵愛(petting)提昇最多的親密度,洗刷可以清潔牠。騎過溪流也可以簡單地清潔和讓牠喝水。

增加親密度[ | ]

  • 餵養(Feeding)
  • 洗刷(Grooming)
  • 寵愛(Petting)
  • 騎乘時間(Time in the saddle)

需注意數值[ | ]


  • 健康(health)
  • 體力(stamina)
  • deadeye


相關策略[ | ]


客製化設訂自己的馬匹[ | ]


  • 馬鞍(Saddles)
  • 馬鞍袋(Saddlebags)
  • 馬鐙(Stirrups)
  • 號角(Horns)
  • 毯子(Blankets)
  • 鋪蓋(Bedrolls)



其他[ | ]

有一個有趣的點,是你在《碧血狂殺2》中可以餵養馬的東西,大多你自己也可以吃。有了兩個蘋果?何不和馬一起分站? 當你買了馬的食物自己又很餓的時候可以派上用場。


參見[ | ]

  1. Official Red Dead Twitter post (May 11, 2018). Keeping your horse alive matters.